Think Like an Engineer Junior- Journey in a day at Hamilton
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Date: Sat Feb 08, 10:00 AM EST - Sat Feb 08, 2:00 PM EST
  • Highest Awards,
  • STEM
  • Juniors,
  • Volunteers

Looking for a journey to kickstart your road to the bronze award? Look no further... Think Like an Engineer is here!


Juniors learn how engineers use the Design Thinking Process to solve problems and do 3 hands on design challenges to learn how engineers think, and help them brainstorm ideas for a take action project. Girls will receive a Take Action Guide, as well as the Think Like an Engineer Award in this program. Girls will not receive their Take Action Award with this program, but will receive guidance on how to proceed to the Take Action Step.


Girls will have a 30 minute lunch break during this program. Please send an allergen free (no nuts, etc.) lunch to be eaten during this period.


Date: 2/8

Time: 10AM-2PM

Price: $35 per girl


For questions about registration- please call Customer Care at (856)795-1560

For quetions about this program- please email Celenia Bechtel at